
We welcome your children. We want them to have a good time and we want to be safe at all times. We hope that this event will be something they remember fondly and look forward to attending each year. Children under 4 free admission

1. We require that a parent or guardian accompany children under age 3.

2. Children ages 3 through 7 (littles) may participate in activities in our Kids’ Area. In this area, we have separate stations set up for coloring, clay, finger painting, arts and crafts. The children are encouraged to find the activities that interest them. Adults guide the younger ones. All these activities are geared for children within this age group. We also have play periods outside. We do not change diapers; so all children must be potty-trained.

3. Children 7 through 11 (middles) have actual workshops that will interest them. We also have hikes and other outdoor activities.

4. We will have outside water activities for your children, send sunscreen and an extra change of clothes, swimsuit, and a towel.

5. You must sign your child into and out of our care. There will be paperwork to fill out pertaining to your child’s needs.

6. Do not send your child to the activities building alone or the Security Thugs will hunt you down.

7. You will be asked who else can collect your child from our care when you fill out the paperwork. Do not send anyone whose name is not on the list to collect your child, your child will not be released. Please understand this is for the safety of your child.

8. The Children’s Activities coordinator is a member of our staff. Please ask your child to be polite and cooperative. We do not have to provide children’s activities, we do this as a service to you. If your child is uncooperative he/she will be returned to you.

9. Please collect your child and take them to lunch. This is the only opportunity that our staff will have to take some time to themselves.

10. Please collect your child promptly at the end of the day.

11. You must volunteer 1 hour and 15 minutes, per child and per day, in the Children’s Activities area. If you do not volunteer or do not show up for your scheduled volunteer time, you will not be allowed to utilize the child care services the rest of the event. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS.

12. You must sign up for volunteer time when you bring your child and sign him/her into care. 

13. Explain to your child that he/she MUST remain in care until you come for them.

14. We do not administer medication or change diapers. WE WILL CALL YOU TO CHANGE THE POOPIES!

15. Please bring a large T-shirt for your child to wear for messy activities.

16. If your child is young, please bring a pillow and blanket for naptime.

17. All children under the age of 12 must be in care or in the company of a parent or guardian. If any children are found wandering, they will be sold to the highest bidder.

18. Children 12 and older may attend classes with a parent. They are expected to behave as adults.

19. If you send your child to Children’s Activities with a walkie-talkie, please understand that the item will be turned off and placed in a closet, only to be used if your child has an emergency. This rule includes cellphones and tablets.

20. We need a list of your child’s allergies when you drop them off along with your contact information in the event of emergencies.

A special word about children 3-7 years old (Littles)

We use a time-out chair for the 3 – 7 years olds to discourage bad behaviour. You child will be warned to stop his/her unacceptable behavior and then will sit in the chair for several minutes. If you want to opt out of this then parents will be asked to come and get their child if there is a problem.

A special word about tweens and teenagers

There is a special gathering place for teens and tweens and activities for them. We offer many classes and activities for them. There will also be board and card games for them in the teen / tween area. There is also a pool trip scheduled so we ask that you please provide them with swim suit and towel.

For teens and tweens that are not interested in the workshops designed for them, they are encouraged to bring games and cards that they would like to share with others. They may also attend any workshops they desire. They are also welcome at the adult bonfire and drumming circle until 10pm, and they must be in the company of a parent. Teen curfew is midnight from all public spaces on site. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Youth Classes

Franklin Gattis (AKA)

Faenor Firemind – Elf

This workshop includes not just hitting each other with sticks but doing so in a safe manner while not putting an eye out. Kids of all ages love this workshop.

Faenor Firemind – Has been learning to use weapons since he was a teen-ager as a page to Sir Starhelm Warlock in the Society for Creative Anachronisms and has fought for years in the Belegarth Medieval Combat Society.

Dungeons and Dragons Campaigns

Feanor Firemind will be running Campaigns all weekend. All levels of expertise are welcome to join in the fun.

Teen Classes:

Rodney Stowell and Jon Illenberg have been in charge of our kitchen for years. This year, we don’t have a kitchen and so to keep these two busy, they will present classes for the teens.

The Art of Transcendal Car Maintenence:

Your teens will have the opportunity to learn how to change oil, change a tire and other tips that will help them be responsible for their vehicles.

Setting Up Camp:

Your teens will learn to to pitch a tent correctly, what they need for to bring, how to keep food safe, and other camping skills,

Prepare a Meal Over a Fire:

Your teens will actually prepare and cook and of course eat a meal in the great outdoors.

Prepare a Meal in the Kitchen:

Your teens will cook a meal for the VIPs and staff.

Jeremy Shirey has been on staff for years, doing a variety of jobs for PUF.

Interpersonal Relationships for Teens:

This class will over consent, magic, how much time to spend with someone, the power of NO. PART 2 Q & A This is a safe space to ask questions. There will be a permission slip.